Sunday, June 22, 2008

HAHAHA my foot/head/butt! I've been online since...9 and i don't want to get off now!

there's more and more people coming online ain't that great.

Just realised i called Annia ON MY HANDPHONE for 45 minutes ain't that greater! Used up all my free outgoing before that already, I think.

Now my phone bills will go POOM WHAM BHAM (wait that's not explosion) and yeah..explode. hahaha.

See, I've decided to do selective selective studying (SSS, ohno!) , like, just memorise 6 sub-points out of the whole globalisation chapter.

Then, i'll read through geog (which i haven't touched since last month) and call it a day.

Dammit somebody MAKE ME STRESSED! (i'm not right now)

I've been singing to "I was born to love you" and "bohemian rhapsody" and "our song" and "awake" FOR MORE THAN 5 TIMES EACH CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.

I'm gay and I need some invitation for Kbox-ing sessions after this (for the first time in my life) if not I'll sing to myself everyday like some maniac!

You got that right, I'm maniacal enough (and one in a very good mood these days too)

k bye i'm really gonna study now!!!!!

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